IoT Mobile App & Modules Development
IoT (Internet of things) is a concept where everyday objects are connected using the Internet. There are wide ranges of objects or devices connected to the internet every day and it’s growing exponentially. Here objects can be anything such as phones, refrigerators, cars, headphones, lamps, wearable devices, or house-holding items. IoT app development allows for creating relationships or communication between people-people, people-things & things -things.
The devices connect to the internet using different modes of communication like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee Wireless, and NFC. Generally, mobile phones are used as a medium through which the devices communicate to the internet. Hence, the data collected by these devices can be accessed from anywhere and the devices can be controlled from anywhere using a web browser and/or mobile phones. As a leading IoT application and modules development company, ESIPL offers robust and strong infrastructure-supported IoT development services.
Why IoT application development?
IoT is growing rapidly, they have impacted all industries no matter what they do. Everybody is taking advantage of the latest technology trend and enhancing their product quality. IoT-enabled devices are able to give better user experience and customer satisfaction. This is leading to an increment in the number of sales.
Technologies used in our IoT application Development Company
Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology to communicate between sender & receiver using radio frequency technology. Wi-Fi is intended to provide high-speed internet without physical connections. Wi-Fi defined as a wireless local area network by Wi-Fi Alliance. Wi-Fi can be used by personal computers, cameras, phones, tablets & etc to transfer. These Wi-Fi enabled devices can be connected to the internet through wireless network access points. Benefits of using Wi-Fi for enterprise IoT applications over other wireless networking technologies.
Basically, Bluetooth paved a way to exchange data between unwired entities in a revolutionary fashion when compared to let's say IR (where we had to literally keep entities very close to each other).
Zigbee also called as a high-level communication protocol, which creates personal area networks using low-power digital radios. Compared to WPANs, Zigbee is intended to be less expensive and easy to implement. The applications range from wireless switches to traffic management system. Since it consumes less power, it limits data transmission from 10 to 100 meters depending on environmental anomalies. Since it uses mesh networking style, consumes low power and low-cost, it intended to use in the development of long battery life devices. Zigbee focuses on wireless and sensor networks in IoT & M2M.
NFC is one of wireless communication technologies out here in the tech world. This set of communication protocols communicates with electronic devices, in which one device would be a movable device such as Smartphone to achieve near-field communication by bringing them within 10cm each other. NFC is a successor of RFID. Compare to Bluetooth, NFC takes less set-up time.